Lethbridge Herald
The biggest mistake so far is probably the environmental minister slashing the firefighting budget even though they knew it was a dry winter and dry spring forecasted. What would have happened with the Fort McMurray disaster had a water bomber got out on day one instead of day three? They were available. The fire disaster might have been avoided?
Their failure to work with farmers when they went ahead and changed the rules for the Workers Compensation Board. What were they thinking?
The following will increase spending for most Albertans and will probably lead to a loss of jobs and businesses because of less disposable cash. Introducing a carbon tax that the people of Alberta will have to pay for even though the oilsands industry currently accounts for approximately 0.12 per cent of global GHG emissions (Environment Canada 2015). This will increase costs at all levels and no rebates will cover it all and won’t make a dent in world emissions. It will hurt the poorest the most. Minimum wages to continue to rise to a point where people will stop going out to eat, etc. because of increases in prices.
Introduction of a beer tax which will hurt and possibly close the fledgling microbreweries. The government is moving forward with its plans to expand the bureaucracy and reward the friendly unions who helped elect an NDP government in Alberta.
According to the NDP’s forecast, in five years, Alberta’s debt will reach $47.4 billion. That’s about $12,000 for every man, woman and child in the province. What are they going to come out with next?
Finally with all the promises of infrastructure funding why aren’t our MLAs and our MP not fighting for dollars for our second bridge? The time is right.
Jim Tratch