Power struggle

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Chris Davis

  • AltaLink consultation sessions
  • Miistakis Conservation Priority Maps released
  • Property rights a rising theme
  • Related information
Landowners and energy developers continue to have fundamentally different visions for the future of southwestern Alberta, as evidenced by the continued opposition by many Municipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9 landowners to windmill and transmission line development in their areas.

Two strong advocacy groups have emerged, the Chinook Area Land Users Association (CALUA) and the Livingstone Landowners Group (LLG).  These grassroots organizations regularly bring their concerns to the public, to the legislative bodies, to the press, and to the MD of Pincher Creek council.

At the same time, AltaLink continues to hold regular information/consultation meetings at locations in the Town and MD of Pincher Creek, the latest being in Pincher Creek and in Lundbreck.

Neither side is blinking on this one.

Related but too much to try to pile into the scope of this article are the concerns of area environmentalists, particularly vocally expressed in the Beaver Mines, Castle and Crowsnest Pass areas.

The landowners represented by CALUA and LLG for the most part don’t want transmission lines cutting through their properties at all, and particularly not through new corridors. AltaLink has a mandate from AESO to pick a suggested route from several possibilities they presented to the public using large infographics.

New windmills are popping up all the time, and to be useful there will be transmission lines.  For some landowners, including collectives, the windmills are an economic boon.  To others they are an eyesore.  Concerns have been raised to the MD council in the past about blinking lights throughout once-dark nights, for example.  Noise is a concern. Environmental issues abound.  Certain species are literally running out of room.  Others are colliding with transmission lines and dying in significant numbers.  Bird diverters and markers have been installed in great quantity, and it’s winter again.  Will it work?

At the same time, power consumption is an ever escalating scale in the province where we’re squeezing oil out of sand as a prime economic driver.

What’s at stake, say the concerned landowners, is a landscape unlike any other in a world of dwindling landscapes.  What’s at stake, say the prognosticators and regulators, people paid to crunch the numbers and represent the results,  is a viable Provincial power grid in the relatively near future.

Complicating things, land use issues are coming to a head in Alberta and in Canada politics and jurisprudence.  The specific topic of windmill and transmission line development is acting as a crucible for legal arguments around land use reforms.  So is the opposition to logging in the Castle area, organized under the Stop Castle Logging banner.  The recently released South Saskatchewan Region Plan (SSRP) brought down its point man, former Livingstone-Macleod PC MLA Evan Berger, in the last election.  He was replaced with Wildrose MLA Pat Stier, who has voiced concern about landowner issues at public forums, in these pages, and elsewhere.  Stier has a background of ranching, oil, and rural politics in fairly equal measure.  Like Berger before him, makes the rounds of his constituency, which is of significant geographic size.  Stier attended the AltaLink session on October 24 after attending and speaking at the 2014 Wildrose Livingstone Macleod Constituency Association AGM, where he spoke with AltaLink representatives and area citizens.

AltaLink holds transmission line consultation sessions

AltaLink recently held consultation sessions in Lundbreck and Pincher Creek.  I attended the October 24, 2014 session held at Heritage Inn Pincher Creek.

According to a letter written to MD of Pincher Creek No. 9’s council dated October 10, 2014 and signed by AESO’s Matt Gray,  the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) has instructed Altalink to stop all activities related to siting, routing and consultation for the following projects:

  • Picture Butte to Etzikom Coulee Transmission Project (PBEC): A new substation, called Journault, in the Etzikom Coulee area and a new 240 kV transmission line between the Picture Butte and the new Journault substations.
  • Goose Lake to Etzikom Coulee Transmission Project (GLEC): A new 240 kV transmission line between the Goose Lake and new Journault substations.
  • Etzikom Coulee to Whitla Transmission Project (ECW): A new 240 kV transmission line between the Journault and Whitla substations.

AltaLink intends to apply to the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) to amend the approval of the projects “to ensure the need for transmission in southwestern Alberta more closely aligns with the pace of generation development”.

AltaLink External Communications Manager Peter Brodsky gave me the walk-through of their presentation.  “This is a brand new project,” he said, “the first round of consultations. It’s early in the process, nothing here is written in stone.”

“We are leaving it up to landowners and other people in the area to tell us if there are impacts that we may not be aware of based on our routing.”

The decision to cancel the previous Fidler to Chapel Rock transmission can be viewed on the AUC website in its entirety by clicking here.

Here’s an excerpt:

The AUC held a hearing in August 2013 and released its decision in January 2014, in which it approved the AESO preferred option. The AUC also stated that routing generally should be located south of the Oldman Reservoir, and once west of the reservoir the line may extend north but preference should be given to more southerly substation locations. – www.altalink.ca

Brodsky said that information gathered at the sessions, feedback from landowners, would be taken into account, balanced with cost, environment, existing infrastructure, and the practicality of the suggested transmission line route.

“We will be back in probably January to the same area for more specific routing and substation locations for more feedback,” Brodsky said.  “Landowner input all goes into the formula that we use to determine proposed lines we put before the Alberta Utilities Commission.”

“People are very passionate about the property around here, as they should be.”

“We are here to listen to the unique impacts our proposal may have and do our best to accommodate them.”

One of the mapped indicators illustrated on display was possible locations for the Chapel Rock Substation.  “There used to be a project called Fidler to Chapel Rock,” expalined Brodsky. “That’s gone away. This is a different solution for addressing the same issue.”

“What information do we need from you?” attendees were asked, categories broken down into Agricultural, Residential, Environmental, Cost, Electrical, Visual, and Special Considerations.

“Our goal here is to connect to this 500 KV line, provide power in the area, provide access for wind in the area, up into the grid.”

“It’s meant to address wind projects that are developed, or in the queue. These are firm wind developments that are going on.”

Alberta Electric System Operator Matt Gray was next on the tour.  He explained AESO’s determination that there was a need for increased transmission capacity in the area.  He told me there was currently “427 megawatts installed capacity in the Pincher Creek area” with another 658 megawatts in limbo.

“That’s what’s waiting in the queue to connect.”

“In Alberta it’s an energy only wholesale market, so generators compete with each other to sell power to the grid,” said Gray. “Our end of the arrangement is to make sure that they get connect, and that the system that they are connecting to has enough space to accommodate the uplink.”

“We hope to file by 2015.”

Their basic timeline:

  • Consultations fall 2014
  • Notify stakeholders winter ’14/spring ’15
  • File application with AUC fall 2015
  • Start construction if project is approved early 2017
  • Complete construction fall 2018
AltaLink is scheduled to make a presentation and answer questions and concerns at the next Lundbreck Citizens Council meeting on December 1 at 7:00 pm at the Lundbreck Community Hall.
Miistakis Institute releases Conservation Priority Maps

The Miistakis Institute was “founded in 1995 to build bridges between people, their perceptions and their information about this landscape”, and is the same non-profit organization that recently undertook Livingstone/Lee Lake and MD of Ranchland “residents mapping”. They have conducted a series of scientifically based environment impact measurement in Alberta over the last 20 years.

“Miistakis was initially a place based organization. We evolved out of a need that we recognized in a specific place, which is called the Crown of the Continent ecosystem.” – Greg Chernoff

On November 8 at Lundbreck Community Hall Miistakis Spatial Analyst Greg Chernoff  explained to an almost full house the freshly released Conservation Priority Maps, which are connected to the area overview released by Miistakis in December of 2012.  The maps illustrated pre-established conservation priorities overlaid on each other to assist in visualising area of low or high conservation significance.  It’s very complicated.   It didn’t always completely jibe with landowners who live in certain sectors of the mapped area.

He explained Miistakis’ reason for conducting the analysis.  “We were pulled into this by the LLG because the initial route was proposed between Fidler and Chapel Rock”, Chernoff explained after the event. “They wanted a way to represent the things that they thought were important elements of the landscape from an environmental and conservation perspective that they thought AltaLink was inappropriately considering.”

“If you look at any one of those themes in isolation then you may come up with an assessment of what the best option is”, explained Chernoff.  “Really, what we need to do is have some sort of a method by which we can look at all those different factors.”

“The question asked at the workshop very openly was what everybody recognizes kind of instinctively is that there is something very valuable in this landscape, and I asked ‘What are those things?’ and they told me. Some of those things had very much to do with the physical aspects of the landscape, ecological components, social values. Some of these things we can map, and some of them, we can’t.”
“If you look at any one of those themes in isolation then you may come up with an assessment of what the best option is”, explained Chernoff.  “Really, what we need to do is have some sort of a method by which we can look at all those different factors.”

“We just want people to have the tools to make their decisions. So when we put into the hands of the MD of Ranchlands that allows them to critically assess those things based on the criteria that are important to them.”

“Miistakis came to be as a recognition that the only way that ecosystem is going to be cared for is if we can encourage these people to come to the same table and recognize some kind of common objective.”

Responding to my inquiring if an LLG bias was inevitable in the data sets presented he was quickly and frankly affirmative.  “LLG is the organization that engaged us. They told us what was important to them that they wanted to map, and I mapped those.  It is 100% reflecting their bias.”

“That’s what these things are supposed to do, is show what the LLG thought those important elements were. I told them what I thought we could map with the budget that they had, and the results are the maps that you see.”
“We pride ourselves on being neutral. We want to encourage the more thoughtful consideration of ‘out of bounds’ between development opportunities and conservation priorities. We can’t do that if we bring an agenda to the table.”    Of course, in its own way, that’s an agenda of its own. “It’s really important that we try to be that honest broker,” said Chernoff at one point.
“We are not an advocacy group. We would cut every report short of the part of the discussion chapter that says ‘This is what you have to do’.

“You will notice that after my presentation was done, the discussion was about ‘What are we going to do with this?’ I would never put something to that discussion because from a professional standpoint, it is none of my business.”

“These maps are very, very valuable, and an important tool for organizations that want to take note.”

It cost LLG “a fair number of dollars” to commission the Miistakis project, and to host events such as this one.  Bruce Mowatt  is an LLG board member who lives up the Snake Trail, and has been a consistent voice at LLG events and presentations to MD council.  He told me that LLG, formed in 2004, was a response to the primary development concerns of the day.  “They were wanting to do some development with oil wells, and they were talking about drilling a well every 16 acres,” Mowat explained.  “It would be a disaster, a whole infrastructure. They would need to support those wells, service those wells, and service those wells,” Mowat added, including roads, machinery, chemicals, and noise as concerns.   “That’s what started our group. Ever since then we thought there must be ways to better do development.”

“Yes, they want to divide up communities, break up communities. There is not a whole lot of working together to build communities. People working together can accomplish quite a bit and achieve their goals. It works well, working together.” – attendee at Miistaakis Conservation Priority Map release

Property rights a rising theme

Lacombe-Ponoka MLA Rod Fox of the Wildrose Party recently released a press release in which he announced that the party would be introducing Motion 501 at the Legislature on November 24, 2014 toward the purpose of “urging the assembly to support entrenching Alberta landowner rights in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms” and that Conservative Party of Canada Lethbridge MP Jim Hillyer “is introducing a similar Motion in Ottawa”.

“This move would in one stroke ensure any current or future Alberta government respects the rights of Alberta property owners by cementing those rights in the Charter – Canada’s highest law.”

“The result would be that the government could not take actions under any law to diminish the value of property without fairly compensating landowners.”

“This kind of positive constitutional change is possible and critical for advancing property rights here in Alberta and across Canada,” said Fox. He also urged PC, Liberal and NDP colleagues “to join me in unanimously supporting this motion” because doing so “should not be about partisanship, it should be about doing what is right for Alberta”.

According to another Wildrose press release the amendment “would apply only to the government of Alberta in respect of all matters within the authority of the legislature of Alberta. The motion will act in concert with Hillyer’s Motion 520, introduced in parliament earlier this year, which asks the House of Commons to support an amendment to the Charter to enshrine property rights for Alberta”.

“Landowners are the best stewards of our beautiful landscapes and they deserve to have their rights fully protected so they can manage their property with minimal interference from government,” Wildrose Leader Danielle Smith said. “This kind of positive constitutional change is possible and critical for advancing property rights in Alberta. I hope that after Mr. Prentice’s campaign commitments this past summer, both he and his government will fully support this motion.”

Accoding to the Wildrose press release, if Motion 501 receives the support of the Alberta legislature, the passing of Motion 520 federally would successfully amend the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to enshrine property rights for Albertans.

Hillyer said that the passing of Motion 501 will send a strong signal to Ottawa and be a major victory for the cause of property rights.  “This is a fight worth fighting; but more importantly, it is a fight worth winning. I am thankful for the work of Gary Bikman and Rod Fox and my provincial colleagues who have championed this cause,” Hillyer said. “I encourage all my friends and colleagues in all parties in the legislature to step up and do what is right. With the full backing of Alberta, we will be one more step closer to cementing Alberta landowner rights in Ottawa.”

Related information
Notification of AESO Regulatory Filing Addressing the Need for the Windy Point Wind Energy Connection in the Pincher Creek Area


The Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) advises you of its intention to file a Needs Identification Document (NID) for the Windy Point Wind Energy Connection with the Alberta Utilities Commission (AUC) on or after November 12, 2014. Windy Point Wind Park Ltd. (Windy Point) has requested transmission access for its proposed Windy Point Wind Generating Facility (Facility) in the Pincher Creek area. Windy Point’s request can be addressed by constructing a short single circuit 138 kV transmission line to connect the Facility to the existing 893AL transmission line.
The shaded area indicates the approximate area where the proposed transmission development is needed. In a separate application called a Facility Application, AltaLink Management Ltd (AltaLink), the transmission facilities owner (TFO) in the Pincher Creek area, will describe the specific routes and sites for the proposed transmission development, and request AUC approval to construct and operate these transmission facilities. The specific substation sites and transmission line routes applied for by AltaLink may extend beyond the area shown.
The AESO and AltaLink presented this need to stakeholders, including residents, occupants and landowners, from August 2014 to October 2014. The AESO has considered feedback gathered from stakeholders, and technical and cost considerations, and will apply to the AUC for approval of the need for this transmission development. Once filed, the NID will be posted on the AESO

Unhealthy wind turbine noise

According to a recently released Wind Turbine Noise and Health Study conducted by Health Canada with the assistance of Stats Canada, self-reported sleep disturbances, illnesses, chronic health conditions, stress, and quality of life “were not found to be associated with WTN exposure”.  However, “annoyance towards several wind turbine features (i.e. noise, shadow flicker, blinking lights, vibrations, and visual impacts)” was found ” to be statistically associated with increasing levels of WTN  (Wind Turbine Noise)”.

Random related quotes

This is an all-too-common theme of the public consultation and hearing process for construction of transmission lines in Alberta. Homeowner and landowner concerns about the negative impacts of overhead transmission lines on property values, the environment, safety, health and aesthetics are consistently ignored by AltaLink and the AUC. Many Albertans have characterized the entire power line consultation and hearing process as “theatre” – to give the public the perception that their concerns are listened to and taken into account, when in fact they are not. – retasite.wordpress.com

AltaLink’s continuing investment in new transmission facilities is delivering benefits across Alberta even before the facilities are commissioned. Communities in which AltaLink is engaged in construction activities are seeing positive economic impact from new employment opportunities, hiring of local services and contractors, and increased business for area hotels, motels, restaurants and stores. – Marketwired

Alberta currently has more than 800 megawatts (MW) connected to the grid. That is enough capacity to serve over 970,000 homes when the wind is blowing and the wind units generate at the rated capacity. However, due to wind blowing intermittently, the electricity generation from wind power varies over time. But even when considering the large variations in the wind power generation, Alberta’s wind generation is enough to provide for the electricity that over 310,000 homes use in a year. – www.energy.alberta.ca

“In Alberta, the winds of progress towards more renewable energy are still when they should be gale force.” – www.bnn.ca

In 2013, over 5 per cent of the electricity sold on Alberta’s market came from wind energy. That’s enough energy to power 1 in every 3 homes in the province. – windfacts.ca

Despite a world class wind resource, the know-how and the experience here, the growth of wind energy in Alberta is expected to slow down, in part because Alberta is one of the few places in North America that has no strategy to integrate more wind and other renewable energy in our electricity system. – windfacts.ca

There are good ways and bad ways to develop energy resources, and it is important that landowners ask the right questions, and get the right answers, to ensure they are satisfied with development. – www.pembina.org

Albertans were asked Wednesday to reduce power consumption in the wake of an unexpected power plant shutdown that has left the province’s electricity system “stressed.” – Calgary Herald

“While Alberta has developed and constructed many high quality wind energy projects, the province’s vast, enviable wind resource remains largely untapped,” says Robert Hornung, CanWEA president. – canwea.ca

I have promised Albertans twin imperatives: I will aggressively pursue responsible energy development at the same time that I will work to establish and enforce world-class regulatory and monitoring standards. I have also promised fiscal prudence and that government will not succumb to “subsidized environmentalism” — the funneling of public money to unproven schemes. Natural gas power generation is both less expensive and generates far fewer greenhouse gas emissions than coal. As they retire old power plants and replace or rehabilitate them, power generators will make the prudent choice. – Jim Prentice, Premier of Alberta (www.windconcernsontario.ca)

Related links and sources:
AltaLink route selection process
AltaLink Delivers Economic Boost to Alberta Communities as Construction Grows




The U.S. Senate has rejected a proposal to fast-track the approval of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline. Pipeline supporters needed 60 votes to win approval for the bill, but it went down to defeat by a margin of 59-41.  Had it passed, U.S. President Barack Obama was widely expected to veto the bill, which was designed to short-circuit the White House’s own environmental review process.  Last week, Obama suggested that Keystone XL would have a negligible positive impact on the U.S. economy, an assertion denied by both TransCanada Corp., the company behind it, and the Canadian government.

On Tuesday, Natural Resources Minister Greg Rickford insisted otherwise as he expressed disappointment in the result of the vote.  “This project will create jobs, long term economic prosperity, energy security and environmental stewardship on both sides of our shared border,” he said in a statement.  “Keystone XL has strong public support, and the U.S. State Department has, on multiple occasions, acknowledged that it will be environmentally sound.”
Further, Rickford continued, the State Department has already concluded that the project would not by itself result in increased output from the Alberta oilsands, and would replace “insecure sources” of crude with “a secure, reliable supply from Canada, North Dakota and Montana.”  TransCanada Corp. has also long insisted the project would create tens of thousands of U.S. construction jobs.

Greenpeace Canada, long an opponent of the project, cheered the Senate for rejecting the proposal on environmental grounds. Keystone XL “would enable the production of over 24 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions per year while
threatening communities and their water supplies,” said spokesman Mike Hudema.  “Prime Minister (Stephen) Harper should read the warning signs and catch up to the rest of the world already acting to address the growing climate crisis.”
As a result of the vote, the question of whether to approve the project, which would transport bitumen from Alberta’s oilsands to refineries on the U.S. Gulf Coast, is not likely to resurface until the new year.  That’s when the pro-Keystone Republicans will take  over control of the Senate, wrested from the Democrats in midterm elections earlier this month.


Prentice unfazed about Obama’s KXL comments

U.S. president questions value of pipeline to U.S. economy

Bill Graveland

NOVEMBER 15, 2014


Alberta’s premier isn’t concerned about negative comments from U.S. President Barack Obama regarding the Keystone XL pipeline. Jim Prentice says the Republican-controlled House of Representatives’ passing a bill to approve the US$8-billion pipeline that would carry bitumen from Alberta to refineries and ports in Texas is good forward momentum. He says there is a tougher road ahead when it goes to the Senate and hopefully to the U.S. president for approval.

Obama questioned the pipeline’s economic value to the U.S. economy and said he’ll judge the plan on its environmental merits. Prentice says Obama’s comments are consistent with what he’s said in the past and he is going to have to work with Congress for the next year. The premier says if it comes down to environmental merits, he is confident the project will pass.

“This issue here really is whether or not Canadian oil is going to be carried to the Gulf Coast by pipeline. We know it’s making its way already because it’s an integrated North American marketplace,” Prentice said before the start of the Progressive Conservative Party’s annual convention Friday.

“A lot of it’s being carried by rail so the real question is whether the president and Congress want it carried in a safe mode of transport, which is also the most efficient mode which is a pipeline.”

Prentice also disputes that Keystone would only be beneficial to Canada. He said Canada and the United States have had a long history of sharing, especially when it comes to the oil and gas sector.

“We stand by the view that together with the Americans, (this is) the most integrated, successful energy marketplace in the world. This project is in the interest of both countries and I think eventually in the United States they’ll reach that conclusion,” he said.

Prentice has yet to announce a date for a visit to Washington, D.C., to extol the virtues of Keystone to the movers and shakers. He remains optimistic about the growing support for Keystone.

“We’re hopeful, we’re optimistic. You know the growth of bipartisan support for the Keystone pipeline is really encouraging. There’s momentum and the future will take care of itself.”


Airspace above Foremost restricted to unmanned aircraft

By Kuhl, Nick on November 15, 2014.

Lethbridge Herald -FOREMOST

A piece of airspace above the village of Foremost, about 100 kilometres southeast of Lethbridge, is now partially restricted.

NAV CANADA has published a permanent area of restricted airspace covering 700 square nautical miles (2,400 square kilometres) up to 18,000 feet above sea level for the purpose of flying Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), the Canadian Centre for Unmanned Vehicle Systems (CCUVS) announced Thursday.

This restricted airspace designation is the first of its kind in North America available for Beyond Visual Line of Sight UAS training, research and development for civil and commercial purposes.

The designation and publishing of the restricted airspace on Canadian aeronautical charts is an important milestone for the Foremost UAS Range which is expected to be ready for UAS flights in early 2015.

“This parcel of restricted airspace will give Canadian and international UAS operators a unique location to safely train and develop UAS for flying Beyond Visual Line of Sight,” said Roger Haessel, CEO for CCUVS, said in a release.

“The ability to fly Beyond Visual Line of Sight will open up significant economic opportunities in Canada.”

The restricted airspace results from more than six years work by CCUVS and an investment of more than $1 million by CCUVS in partnership with the Village of Foremost.

The airspace will be managed by the CCUVS and will be activated through the use of Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) issued by NAV CANADA. CCUVS was incorporated in 2007 and is based in Medicine Hat.


Property rights bill ‘historic opportunity,’ says Smith

By Kuhl, Nick on November 15, 2014.

Nick Kuhl

Lethbridge Herald

[email protected]

Protecting Alberta’s property rights through new legislation and ultimately having them protected by Canadian charter is a “historic opportunity,” says the province’s opposition leader.

Wildrose Leader Danielle Smith, during a teleconference call with reporters Friday morning, said Motion 501 would entrench landowners rights for Albertans into the Constitution, thus upholding liberty and ensuring land is safeguarded against future government action.

Lethbridge MP Jim Hillyer, who introduced the similar Motion 520, which would add property rights to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in Alberta, in Parliament earlier this year, has publically supported the provincial initiative.

“I’m delighted that we’re able to work together in partnership, unify as federal and provincial allies, to stand up for property rights in Alberta,” Smith said.

“We believe that we need that constitutional amendment to make sure that if anybody has property in peril, or devalued in any way, they need to receive full justice and timely compensation,” she said.

“We have an historic opportunity to demonstrate Alberta’s commitment to property rights and making tangible change that would give landowners the protection they deserve.”

“The fight for property rights is a fight worth fighting; more importantly, it’s a fight worth winning,” Hillyer said.

“There have been many attempts by parliaments, prime ministers, governments of various parties, to make this change; to add property rights to the charter of rights and freedoms. I encourage all members of the legislature and in the House of Commons to take this opportunity to be more than just politicians, but be statesmen.”

Fox, who will present the bill in Edmonton on Nov. 24, says there is a clear need for people to care about landowner rights and have them written into the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. The Wildrose is encouraging members from across all parties to support the bill.

Cardston-Taber-Warner MLA Gary Bikman, who was on the teleconference call as well, has also expressed support, as did Alberta Premier Jim Prentice during a visit to Lethbridge on Thursday.


Oil price rout will impact Alberta carbon emissions policy: Prentice

NEB – Government of Canada Pipeline Regulations: Criminalization of Farming?

New pipeline regulations proposed by the National Energy Board (NEB) shift the burden of constructing, operating and maintaining safe pipeline to farmers, who will face near automatic Administrative Monetary Penalties (AMPs) or even Criminal Code prosecutions for failing to warn pipeline companies when pipelines cannot safely accommodate farming practices. Doesn’t this sound backwards? On behalf of CAEPLA and landowners across Canada, the Manitoba Pipeline Landowners Association (MPLA) submitted a letter to the NEB urging the regulator to shift the burden to make pipelines safe back to pipeline companies where it belongs, and to avoid making criminals out of landowners and farmers.

Cilck Here to Read the Letter.


Wildrose MLA Joe Anglin quits party, citing internal ‘civil war’

B.C. gains from Alberta power misfortune

By Mabell, Dave on October 24, 2014.

Dave Mabell

Lethbridge Herald

[email protected]

Albertans are being gouged by their electrical system, and it’s their politicians’ fault.

That’s the verdict from one politician, who’s become its vocal critic.

The made-in-Alberta pricing system, MLA Joe Anglin says, guarantees Alberta’s power generators the highest possible price. And while Alberta consumers are forced to pay more and more, he told a Lethbridge audience, British Columbia residents are benefitting from our misfortune.

Meanwhile, Alberta consumers are picking up the bill for a deliberately overbuilt transmission network, Anglin told a session of the Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs. No wonder American billionaire Warren Buffett wants a part of the action.

“There are so many questions, and so few answers,” Anglin said, yet the Conservative government is taking no steps to halt the sale of the province’s largest transmission network to one of Buffett’s companies. In every other jurisdiction, the province owns or controls its transmission lines.

Southern Albertans should not believe assurances that the high-capacity loop now being built here is just for local customers, he maintained.

“They’re reinforcing it to export a significant amount of power.”

Buffett’s empire includes power facilities in Montana, Anglin claimed. Once it controls most of the Alberta network, it will be able to maximize profits by sending Alberta power south – or importing it when the price is right.

Within Alberta’s layers of utility regulation bureaucracies, he said, there are no provisions to control sales across the border.

“That’s a problem with multi-national companies.”

Anglin, the Wildrose MLA for the Rocky Mountain House area, said Alberta residents are already paying – but British Columbians are winning – from the Alberta bureaucracy’s inability to control interprovincial sales. Overnight, he said, publicly owned BC Hydro buys excess Alberta power sent through the Crowsnest Pass, for about three cents per kilowatt hour.

That allows the B.C. utility to conserve water stored behind its hydro dams – while selling Alberta power to American utilities. During peak daytime hours, he explained, BC Hydro sells power to the Alberta grid for six cents per KWH.

“BC Hydro is ‘gaming’ the system in Alberta.”

A questioner from Saskatchewan reminded Anglin that province’s public utility generates the power, carries it to Saskatchewan communities and retails it to residents and businesses – then pays a dividend to the taxpayers. The Alberta system is “mind boggling.”

The jury is still out whether Alberta consumers find any advantages in their system, Anglin said. But the new premier must address some of its greatest weaknesses.

One of those, he said, is the auction-like method by which power generators set their prices through the day. It’s a little like a cattle auction, he said, where every buyer is forced to pay the price obtained by the best animal in the ring.

For Alberta’s longtime power producers, “It’s a licence to print money.”

The current system, brought in during Ralph Klein’s days as premier, was copied from some American jurisdictions, Anglin said. But many have abandoned “deregulation since then.

The reason Albertans are still forced to pay and pay, is that elected officials are unable or unwilling to face the big questions. Albertans can only hope they will, he added.

“When they politicized the system, they made a mess of it.”


‘It sounded like a war zone’

By Simmons, Garrett on October 24, 2014.

Garrett Simmons


[email protected]

Wednesday was a day no one in Ottawa will soon forget.

For southern Alberta politicians, it represented a nerve-wracking 10 hours, as Members of Parliament were on lockdown from 10 a.m. to just before 8 p.m.

Medicine Hat MP LaVar Payne was one of those MPs, as those gathered in the Caucus Room for a meeting were made acutely aware early in the morning something was very wrong.

“There was a lot of gun fire,” said Payne about the exchange of shots which took place just feet from where the MPs were meeting. “It was clear the House was under attack but we had no idea who it was or how many of them there were. That certainly created a stir in the Caucus.”

Security officials were quick to react, as the doors were quickly locked and the MPs, including Prime Minister Stephen Harper, were under immediate lockdown.

“It sounded like a war zone, actually, because there were so many shots fired,” said Payne. “It was rather scary, to say the least.”

The situation was very tense, said Payne, who added MPs were given updates throughout the process. But it was one particular update which brought the politicians to their feet.

“The sergeant at arms spoke to us and told us the terrorist was dead,” said Payne, who added that elicited cheers from his colleagues.

Those cheers continued Thursday morning, as Kevin Vickers was recognized by politicians with a rousing standing ovation.

“It was really a nice moment, where we put our political differences aside. I’ve never felt Parliament so united.” said Lethbridge MP Jim Hillyer, who added he was a few minutes late Wednesday, helping his son complete some homework, which kept him from arriving at Parliament Hill.

It was a sharp contrast from Wednesday, when MPs had little to do but wait, as security officials scoured Parliament Hill and searched every room and closet, according to Payne, who added those on lockdown in the Caucus Room had little communication with the outside world as cellphone service was spotty in downtown Ottawa.

“It was an experience hopefully no one has to experience again,” said Payne.

But despite Wednesday’s attack, it was business as usual, for the most part, in the nation’s capital Thursday, as MPs got back to work.

“It’s pretty heavy security at this point in time,” said Payne of the situation Thursday morning. “What we saw in the House this morning is we’re not going to be detered from sitting in this House and governing the country.”

Payne added politicians of all stripes are coming together and supporting one another.

“Our folks are pretty resilient so that’s nice to see. We’re all coming together as Parliamentarians.”

Hillyer echoed those sentiments, adding it was important for the business of government to continue. As Harper addressed the MPs after his television appearance, the Lethbridge MP said the exhausted group of politicians were united in their resolve.

“I was very impressed at the optimism, buoyancy and resiliency of everyone, and that continued this morning,” said Hillyer, who added he never felt more proud singing the national anthem, as MPs belted out O Canada Thursday.

Hillyer said while politicians acknowledge the devastating impact Wednesday’s event have had on the family of Cpl. Nathan Cirillo, Ottawa simply had to attempt to return to some normalcy on Thursday to show our country’s strength and resiliency, and prove the terrorist could not stand in the way of democracy.

“He was committing an act of terrorism with the goal to frighten and stop our way of doing things,” said Hillyer, in reference to the slain shooter, Michael Joseph Paul Zehaf Bibeau.

The MP added things will change in Ottawa as a result of Wednesday’s shootings, though he cautioned there is a danger in overreacting.

“I hope we don’t go into panic mode and say, ‘What are we going to do, what are we going to do,’ and change too radically how things are in Canada and Ottawa in particular,” said Hillyer, who added we can’t live in a time of heightened fear and paranoia, too scared to live and breathe. “I hope we don’t swing the pendulum too far the other way.”
