Written by Andrea Montgomery on Thursday, 17 April 2014
The RCMP is reminding the public to be wary of persons asking for money after a landowner in Kathyrn was tricked out of some money.
According to RCMP, the landowner was approached in March by two individuals identifying themselves as AltaLink employees. They requested a financial contribution from the landowner as part of transmission activities on their land. The landowner provided them with a cheque, which has been cashed.
An investigation with the RCMP and AltaLink is ongoing.
Peter Brodsky, external communications manager for AltaLink says employees do not ask for financial compensation as a matter of policy.
“There is no situation where an employee of AltaLink would ever ask a landowner for payment for work that the company is doing on their land. That is something that would not happen and we encourage anyone who faces that situation to contact the local RCMP detachment.”
If you have any information, were approached by similar individuals, or would like to verify the credentials of employees you can call 1-877-267-1453.
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