BREAKING Central Alberta farmer organizes committee to negotiate with AltaGas

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Alberta landowner George Reid is no stranger to pipelines. His property is already home to two, including the Nova Gas Pipeline. In 2009, the Nova Gas Pipeline changed jurisdiction from provincial regulation to federal regulation under the National Energy Board, taking away some essential landowner rights.The changes included an expanded control zone (also known as a setback) which decreased the amount of land a landowner can subdivide or build on, a change that landowners were neither informed of nor were they compensated for. With the added risks, liability, and potential environmental contamination that comes with a pipeline being left in the ground after it’s been abandoned, landowners face a lot of new problems with jurisdictional change.

George now faces the new proposed AltaGas pipeline, but this time around he wants things to be done differently. He says the pipeline is an “inconvenience, a financial loss and an economic burden” and is calling for landowners along the proposed pipeline route to come together and organize in a bid to see a fairer contract drawn up with AltaGas. To see his call to landowners, click here.

George has contacted AltaGas with questions he believes are pertinent to drawing up a fair deal between the company and landowners. To see his letter, click here.

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