“According to experts, it seems very likely that this earthquake was linked to fracking activities in the immediate area. Given the various controversies that have sprung up in recent years around fracking, it is imperative that Alberta Environment and the Alberta Energy Regulator move quickly to develop the required investigation, using the best science and the best independent experts. Albertans need to know that this is not going to be ignored and just papered over.” said Mason
“Over the years, we have demanded that the Alberta government agencies adopt more proactive and sustainable policies for our resource development. It would help our industries if conflict was reduced over issues that affect our water, air and lands. In order for that to occur, the government has to start listening to communities and people in areas like Fox Creek.
“It means not just filing reports of incidents and concerns – it means doing the follow up with proper management techniques and, in this case, with a rigorous, science-based investigation, led by independent experts. Earthquakes are serious threats to life and property and we cannot ignore this incident.”