Oil drilling plan prompts protest

By Lethbridge Herald on October 19, 2013.

Conor Beagan

City residents stood up for “No Drilling” in a downtown protest Saturday against a controversial project planned here.
The No Drilling in Lethbridge rally at Galt Gardens provided a forum for those opposed to impending plans by Calgary-based Goldenkey Oil to drill oil wells in West Lethbridge.
Hundreds gathered to protest the plans. Several speakers were on hand, including MLAs Greg Weadick and Bridget Pastoor.
“Bridget and I came out today to show that we don’t support drilling in Lethbridge. We want to make sure that drilling anywhere near the city of Lethbridge is done safely. West Lethbridge is growing very quickly, we have new families moving in, and we want to make sure that land is available and safe,” said Weadick.
Members of the Idle No More movement were prominent during the event, with speakers from the Blood Reserve and several supporters.
“We are all connected by the most basic of our needs. Clean water, clean air and a clean environment for all the life that depends upon it. We’ve already felt the negaitive effects of fracking on the Blood Reserve. We know of contaminated water, we know of the tremors that were reported on the Southern end of the reserve, we know of the students who were sent home sick from mysterious fumes as a frack well was less than a mile away from our middle school, high school and college,” said Lori Brave Rock.
In the past year, Brave Rock spent time talking with director of the documentary film “Gasland” and made connections with other anti-fracking activists through Facebook.
“I can, without a doubt, tell you that fracking has changed my life forever. It set me on this path that led to my involvement that led to my involvement in the Idle No More movement. I was like most people who turn on the tap, not really thinking about where that water came from. My concerns over the threats posed by fracking compelled me to learn more,” said Brave Rock.
Both Brave Rock and Weadick urged the public to be educated on the effects of fracking and how a new drilling project might effect Lethbridge residents.
“We are all members of the Oldman watershed and I encourage everyone to take time to learn more,” said Weadick.
