Pipeline Whistleblower Blower Receives National Award
By Editors
Evan Vokes, the former TransCanada employee and engineer that helped The Tyee and the CBC investigate rising pipeline incidents and rule breaking in the industry, will be the recipient of major whistleblower award in Ottawa today.
The 47-year-old Ontario-born Vokes will receive the 2013 Golden Whistle Blower Award sponsored by Canadians for Accountability and presented by an Ottawa-based group called Peace Order and Good Government (POGG).
Vokes told The Tyee that he didn’t see himself so much as a “whistleblower,” but as an engineer trying to comply with his profession’s mandatory code of ethics.
“To me the most outstanding issue is the practice of engineering during the construction of pipelines,” says Vokes. Click here to read more.
via Pipeline whistleblower receives national award | The Hook.
Capitalist Opposition to Keystone XL: Environment is not the only reason to object to bitumen pipelines – so is ‘EROEI’
By Pipeline Observer Editors
Not exactly new news, you might think.
Ordinarily, you’d be right.
Not this time.
Not only was this protest staged by the relatively conservative Sierra Club – abandoning its traditional anti-civil disobedience stance – it was also attended by another unlikely rookie protester.
Legendary investor Jeremy Grantham planned to be there too, Fortune magazine reports.
Now, the 74-year-old manager of over $100-billion in assets – with billions in the energy sector as well – is a well known proponent of man made climate change. Click here to read the whole article.
Bill 2: The Alberta Energy “Super Regulator” Land Grab
By Dave Core
Let’s put the recent Alberta Land theft bills into perspective and along with them the most recent Bill 2, the Super Regulator Bill.
Alberta has looked at the federal National Energy Board Act (another super regulator) with envy for decades. Provincial regulators across Canada have watched and envied the federal government and their regulator (the NEB), as they have successfully taken private land and handed it to their pipeline company friends without any retaliation from the landowners or any real accountability. At the same time, the private risks, liabilities and costs of having those pipelines in the ground were transferred to those landowners by having title of the land remain in the landowner’s name. Click here to read more.
Pipeline Landowner Profiles: An Interview with Ian Goudy Part One
By Deborah McVicar
Ian Goudy is a retired mechanic and farm owner in Ontario. With a lifetime of experience dealing with pipeline companies, Ian spearheaded the first Integrity Dig Agreement in Canada and helped form the Lake Huron Pipeline Landowners association as well as the Gas Pipeline Landowners of Ontario. Ian is a proud husband and father and believes in the importance of having a social conscience. Click here to read the interview.
The Canadian Association of Energy and Pipeline Landowner Associations (CAEPLA) is Canada’s foremost and leading association of landowners who have a direct and ongoing interest in the way government and energy regulators define, and then influence, the relationships that exist between landowners and various aspects of the energy sector.
CAEPLA’s role is to advance the legitimate interests of property owners within the context of development, while at the same time provide all Canadians with a better understanding of the way property rights encourage responsible stewardship. A pro-development association, CAEPLA supports development that is responsible, sustainable, and respects the stewardship responsibilities of landowners to protect land and water for future generations.
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