Transmission lines an election issue for CALUA

Friday, October 11, 2013

CALUA Executive, Letter to the Editor

In their letter dated Friday, August 30, 2013 AltaLink states that there has been a “temporary delay” of the Goose Lake to Etzikom Coulee Transmission Project (GLEC.) This delay gives our community an opportunity not only to consider more fully the ramifications of this proposed project, but also to explore alternatives. As this delay also coincides with the upcoming MD elections, we should ask the candidates how they propose to halt the construction of high voltage power lines through our community and surrounding areas.

The AltaLink project, if built, would result in a loss of habitat for nationally listed species at risk. It would destroy hundreds of acres of sensitive plant communities. Furthermore, edge effects such as the spread of invasive species and the visual impacts on adjacent wilderness areas would reach far beyond the areas of direct disturbance. The building of a power line opens this pristine area up to large scale windmill developments. The effect of the power line, augmented by wind farms, further increases the impact of this transmission project on the entire region.

How our community decides to balance economic development while protecting and preserving our unique and extraordinary natural environment is a concern that all candidates standing for election should address in meaningful ways.

Julia Palmer
CALUA Executive
