Why Capitalists Should Oppose Keystone XL

Why You Should Oppose the Keystone XL

Everybody should object to TransCanada’s Abuse of Landowners.

By Chris Mayer, Editor of Mayer’s Special Situations

There is one reason why you should oppose the proposed $5.3 billion Keystone XL Pipeline. And it has nothing to do with “green religionists,” as The Wall Street Journal calls the opposition in today’s paper.

Instead, it has everything to do with a foreign oil company using U.S. government power to force Americans off their land in the name of “eminent domain.” It has everything to do with putting a 78-year-old grandmother in jail, pepper-spraying protestors and using other bullying tactics that would make the Mafia proud. Click here to read more.

The Secret to TransCanada and Enbridge’s Success

Behind the pipeline industry is a poorly understood economic system

by Dave Core

I came across this passage from a book I am reading, “The Real Lincoln” by Thomas J. Dilorenzo (pp 56).


It describes the economic system in North America at the time of Lincoln – one that in my opinion is very much more embedded and sophisticated today. It is a system under which pipelines have prospered – at landowner expense…Click here to read the whole article.

Abandonment Issues

A Cautionary Tale about what recent NEB changes have in store for landowners.

By Dave Core

Here is a scenario that will be faced by landowners and municipalities when pipelines are abandoned.

 Pipelines and their shareholders need to be putting away enough money to remove and clean up all abandoned pipelines but the captured regulator is only forcing companies to collect 20% of what will be needed and they are doing it 50 years to late.

 The National Energy Board (NEB) even admits that they have no idea who is really responsible after they approve Abandonment In Place, or what will happen should pipeline companies file for insolvency. Click here to read more.


 The Canadian Association of Energy and Pipeline Landowner Associations (CAEPLA) is Canada’s foremost and leading association of landowners who have a direct and ongoing interest in the way government and energy regulators define, and then influence, the relationships that exist between landowners and various aspects of the energy sector.

CAEPLA’s role is to advance the legitimate interests of property owners within the context of development, while at the same time provide all Canadians with a better understanding of the way property rights encourage responsible stewardship. A pro-development association, CAEPLA supports development that is responsible, sustainable, and respects the stewardship responsibilities of landowners to protect land and water for future generations.


Policy Centre Mailing Address: #363-918 16th Avenue NW, Calgary, AB T2M 0K3

Administration Mailing Address: #257-918 Albert Street, Regina, SK S4R 2P7 (306) 522-5000

Website: www.LandownerAssociation.ca

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